Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekend Journal | Lazy Day Sunday

This past weekend is one of those weekend where I totally would not have vlogged at all. Just because I was in PJs most of Saturday and all day Sunday.

Matt went to do the garden for Ms. B and I stayed home and did laundry/organize the apartment since Luz and Roberto were coming to watch a movie. Not going to lie I could have been more productive but I got to say that I wasn't that lazy either. Our apartment was clean for our guests, the only area I didn't tackle was a. the kitchen and b. the office. Both of which Matt has ultimate saying in. I enjoyed having frineds come over and even having someone else look with me at wedding center pieces for the table. We probably should have done more research but again: lazy weekend.

I should have not suggested we watch TV while eating breakfast but we hadn't finished an episode from Legends so Matt and I were curious as to how it was going to finish. Needless to say we spend most of the day in front of the TV. I noticed that Hulu had Naruto Shippuden and since I never technically finished watching the anime I was curious how they animated the last chapters. From there I wanted to watch Naruto: The Last, cause obviously I own it.... So yeah thats what we did these weekend. I wouldn't trade it for anything though cause all our other weekends seem busy for the next few months.

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